Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Isn't difficult to ask?

There are story that I wanted to tell about depict from my own experience where refer to some people that knows about, To refer people who doesn't have a brain ,less intelligent and quite the'fuck'!!!.. The story begin in after my class over, I and ma friend went to the night market like we call 'pasar malam' to buy some for our meal. So I buy some Onion and potatoes to cook where I know ma pocket isn.t full often. Well cooking saving a lot of ma money cause other money left to use for ma project assignment where a lot of prints needed!!!I use to put ma eggs in this box. One day I surprise that 2 eggs where lost somewhere,i do know where maybe???cannot blame anybody..another day i've lost 2 eggs more and it quite piss me off.I don't care about ma rice to be eaten because I know I have a lot of it!!geram..geram ..geram Malas la nak ckp[inggeris!!!! Aku x kisah pon nasi aku tu pon ong nk amek..aku halalkan je tp lauk ke cm telur,bawang,kentang..p kebas gak tu yg wat aku geram nih!!kawan pon 'banyak'duit nih!!wat pe kawan tu masak kalu x nk bejimat nya pasal! klu semua lauk ko kebas apa kawan tu nk makan,,nasi je!kawan tu makan ape ke,minum ape ke ade eden tanya?xde kan...so pikir-pikir la ong cket.jgn pentingkan diri..consider cket kawan tu susah!!klu ko kebulur sgt nk makan tanya!susah ke nk tanya!bejimat la makan cket..!!!!!leh consider kongsi duit masak sekali ke..kan senang. eeeeeehh..tolong lah!bajet ko hot nak kebas makanan org..x geti geti nk beli sendiri.ade duit kan!!! Sorry la kalu terasa juz nak luahkan perasan..bukan nk kedekut tp konsep berjimat!

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